Physical Activities

Children love to fiddle with different kinds of things and we encourage them in activities where they learn to use and handle different things. We help them to utilize their physical store of energy in an optimum manner by providing them with carefully chosen play materials.
The Children Indulge in Physical Activities Like:
- Climbing jungle gyms and stairs.
- Throwing and catching soft balls.
- Jumping, running, bending, etc.
- Playing on a variety of swings and slides.
Language Development

It has been seen that it is possible for a child to pick up more than one language at a time. Since English is the medium of instruction, children pick up the language at an early age.
Language is developed through
- Singing poems and songs (rhymes).
- Using rhyming words.
- Listening with understanding to stories and instruction.
- Expressing themselves verbally by answering and asking questions.
- Identifying, recognizing and naming people, objects, pictures and actions.
- Discriminating visually between different objects, items and pictures.
Intellectual Development is enhanced through
- Observation of different things and processes.
- Experimentation.
- Understanding animal life and plant life.
- Classifying things by putting similar objects together.
- Recollecting facts told earlier.
- Reasoning and problem solving with simple 4-6 piece jumbles and jigsaw puzzles.
- Picking up number concepts.
- Making simple comparisons like big-small, tall-short, etc.
- Recognizing and naming colours. Teachers take children to different places outside the school. Concepts related to the environment are taught during these outings. Teachers show things from real life and take the help of experiments to teach the tiny tots.
Socio Emotional Development
This is promoted through development of good habits and good behaviour. The children are taught accepted manners and social skills like greeting others, using words like ‘please’, ‘thank you’, ‘sorry’, etc.
The Children are taught to
- Go to the toilet on their own.
- Wash hands properly and independently.
- Eat food with minimum spilling.
Class Activities

To make classes interesting and to enable children to grasp concepts easily, teachers help the children with:
- Arranging building blocks.
- Joining leggo pieces.
- Creating designs by modeling clay.
- Threading large and medium sized beads using plastic needles.
- Painting with a thick brush, fingers, cotton, wool, etc.
- Drawing pictures on their own.
- Coloring with some control.
- Folding, Tearing, Cutting paper.
- Applying gum and trying to paste items.
Our Guiding Principles
- Children possess sensibilities and mental powers which are unique to their particular levels of developing awareness.
- Children differ from one another.
- The most important years of the growth of a child are the first six years. Children learn to initiate things on their own. They are more open to change, growth and new experiences. They're ready to get more out of life itself.
- Every child is gifted in some way. A rich, stimulating environment allows each child to bring forth his or her own special talents and abilities.
- Interaction between children in a non-formal environment makes the young ones outspoken and smart.
The School offers the following facilities in addition to the ones mentioned above
- The school has a well-managed canteen which serves a variety of snacks and soft drinks, prepared under hygienic conditions. Students can also take hot lunch on extra payment.
- The school infirmary is well stocked with all first aid medicines. A qualified, nursing sister is on duty all the time. Emergency cases are referred to the major hospitals in the city.
- The school has a fleet of 20 new school buses specially designed for school children. The buses meet all the safety standards laid down by the HMG.
- The School has a swimming pool for students to learn swimming or to practice for swimming competitions.
- The school has a big auditorium equipped with the latest electronic gadgets. Many school activities are held in the auditorium.
- The school playground is quite a big one. Students play different games such as basketball, volleyball, cricket etc on the school ground.
- The school Gymnasium has all the equipment which a modern gymnasium should have. Students of classes UKG to 6 learn and practise gymnasties inside the gymnasium.
- The school has a modern and well- equipped food lab where students attend cookery classes.
- The school has its own farm about 6 km. from the city centre. In the vast stretch of farmland, vegetables are grown. There is also a poultry and a dairy.